
STEM Explorations is a series of evening camps for 2nd through 5th graders that take place each semester. These camps are designed to generate an interest in exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at a young age. Camps are held from 5:30pm-7pm and do not include drop-off or pick-up times. We invite other student organizations to come present about their club and assist the students in science-based activities. Topics of the camps will vary each semester!

Spring 2025 Dates

  • February 7th
  • March 7th (full- waitlist available)
  • April 11th (full- waitlist available)

Camps are from 5:30-7pm. Dinner provided.

Cost to attend: $15.00 per camp

For more information and to sign up, email Taylor Bryan.

Contact Information

Taylor Bryan • Outreach & Recruitment Programs Specialist • tbryan@iastate.edu • 515-294-2104