Summary: Learn about how humans interact with their environment by creating your own mini self-sustaining biome!

Students will explore what makes up a biome as they create their own mini version in a plastic cup and bag. They will be challenged to consider the elements that make up their biome and how their actions affect these elements (and vice versa).

Note: The students will be planting seeds in their biomes-you may want to consider keeping them in the classroom to watch for growth after the activity is over.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): 5-LS1-1-2, 5-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2-1

Duration: 40-60

Grade Levels: 1-6

Categories: Science

Subjects: Biology, Environmental Engineering, Ecology


Summary: Students will learn and create an edible cookie soil cup that is representative of different Earth soil layers.

Students will learn about each distinct soil layer as they add ingredients to their edible soil cup. At the end of the activity students will be able to consume the cookie cup.

Note: Please note students with dietary restrictions may have to modify this activity. 

Duration: 25-60

Grade Levels: 3-6

Categories: Science

Subjects: Science, Earth Science


Summary: Students will learn about polymers while creating slime!

They will get to create their own polymer slime to study and observe that polymers can have both liquid and solid properties. 

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): 5-PS1-3-4, MS-PS1-1-2

Duration: 40-60

Grade Levels: 3-6

Categories: Science

Subjects: Chemistry, Materials Engineering


Summary: Students will learn about the compression and tension and how they are applied in building a marshmallow tower

Work as a team to build the tallest standing tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti. For an additional challenge, students can compete to build the tower that will hold the most weight as well.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): 3-5-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-2

Duration: 30-50

Grade Levels: 3-8

Categories: Engineering

Subjects: Physics, Geometry, Statistics


Summary: Race to see who can get Cy down the zip line the fastest using angles and slope.

Students will use their math skills to make a gondola for Cy the mini mascot to ride in down the zip line. This challenge uses angles and distance to see which team can keep Cy in the gondola, and get him down the zip line in the fastest time.

Iowa Common Core Science Standards: 4-PS3-1, 5-PS2-1, 3-5-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-2

Iowa Common Core Math Standards: 4.MD.C.5, 8.EE.B.5

Iowa Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Duration: 30-50

Grade Levels: 3-9

Categories: Engineering, Math

Subjects: Physics, Math


Summary: Use the engineering process to create a container safe enough to get the Pringle through a series of unknown challenges!

Students will brainstorm designs, create a prototype, and eventually test their Pringle protector. Students will discuss the importance of testing and redesigning throughout the development process.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): 3-5-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-2-3

Duration: 30-60

Grade Levels: 3-10

Categories: Engineering

Subjects: Product Engineering


Summary: Find out how the biology of fingerprints is used in criminal investigations!

Students will have the opportunity to take on the role of a forensic detective to solve a "crime." Through this activity, students will learn about types of fingerprints and how common each type is. They will then use this information to convict a suspect. At the end, students will have the chance to discuss the accuracy of forensic evidence and how it is used in court.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): MS-LS1-3

Duration: 40-50

Grade Levels: 4-8

Categories: Science

Subjects: Forensic Science, Anatomy, Biochemistry


Summary: Experience the process of adaptation and natural selection through this interactive activity!

Students will test out the efficiency of different “beaks” by acting as birds, collecting different types of food sources with different utensils. Students will be able to conclude the meaning of evolution and how genes and adaptations affect reproducibility and survival of species today. 

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): 2-LS4-1, 3-LS3-1-2, 3-LS4-2-3, 4-LS1-1

Duration: 45-60

Grade Levels: 4-8

Categories: Science

Subjects: Biology, Ecology


Summary: Design a clay object that will hold as much weight as possible without sinking!

Each student uses a small quantity of modeling clay to make a boat that will float in a tub of water. The object is to build a boat that will hold as much weight as possible without sinking. In the process of designing and testing their boats, students discover some of the basic principles of boat design and gain first-hand experience with concepts such as buoyancy and density.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): MS-ETS1-1-3

Duration: 30-60

Grade Levels: 4-8

Categories: Science, Engineering

Subjects: Physics, Materials Engineering


Summary: Learn the composition of blood and how it travels through our body!

Students will make a Ziploc blood bag to take home that is representative of the components of blood. Students will learn about arteries and veins and how blood travels through the circulatory system. The functions of platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma will be discussed and their roles in clotting.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): 4-LS1-1, MS-LS1-3

Duration: 30-50

Grade Levels: 5-8

Categories: Science

Subjects: Biology, Anatomy


Summary: Students will create a model to show how pollutants damage the water supply

The world needs water to survive and as the population grows, more pollutants end up in the water, making the usable water supply smaller. Students will gain a better understanding of the damaging effects of water pollution by creating a filter and discussing solutions to creating cleaner water.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS3-3-4

Duration: 30-60

Grade Levels: 5-8

Categories: Science, Technology

Subjects: Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science


Summary: Students will have a competition to build the strongest straw bridge!

Students will learn about the design principles used in a variety of bridge structures before competing to create the bridge that can support the most weight.

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): MS-ETS1-1-3

Duration: 40-60

Grade Levels: 5-8

Categories: Engineering, Math

Subjects: Physics, Civil Engineering


Summary: Students will observe the iodine color changing clock reaction to learn about reactions and their rates!

Two colorless liquids are mixed together and in a few moments, the mixture will turn a dark blue color. Many different chemical reactions are going on to make this “clock reaction” occur. Students will perform an experiment and record color changes and indicators that a chemical reaction has occurred. Explore how reaction times can be sped up or slowed down. This experiment helps introduce students to rates of reaction and the scientific process. 

Iowa Common Core Standard(s): HS-PS1-2,5

Duration: 30-60

Grade Levels: 8-12

Categories: Science

Subjects: Chemistry, Biochemistry
